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I am creating a component for scheduling by time

4 Jahre 1 Woche her #9816 von Rafael Couto
I am creating a component for scheduling by time wurde erstellt von Rafael Couto
Hello, I need to clear some doubts.

I watched the video presentation of the component and I really liked it, so much that I bought the premium version to do some more advanced tests, I believe it will help me a lot in development.

I am creating a component for scheduling by time, if there is already a favor please inform how I can purchase.
The doubts are as follows:

1 - How can I leave the component, exactly the same in the attached images? Taking the last image that is the only front-end part of the component.

2 - In the second image (img02), in the list of the table, in the option "Date", how can I display it exactly as shown in the image?

3 - In the fifth image (img05), how can I display the list of "Days" like that? And in the option "Morning (Manhã) and Afternoon (Tarde)" how does this option of "sub forms" work? Which is what I used, based on the demo videos.

The idea of ​​this field is to provide operating periods, for example:

The whistleblowing service will operate on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. My question is how to do this and what type of data to save in the bank table.

Note: View the sixth image (igm06) which is the list of how I want it to look.

4 - Sixth image (img06), listing how the table should look according to the data provided in image five (img05).

Here a bigger problem started to appear for me. If you check the image (img006-error) in the selected location, it returns a json, but I need to save in the column of the database table, only the value of the first option. For example

Column manha_inicio = 08:00:00
Column manha_fim = 11:00:00
Afternoon column = 12:00:00
Afternoon column = 17:00:00

So far these are doubts. Follow the link of the drive with the attached images.


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