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Format for calendar field

8 Anni 2 Mesi fa #1438 da Andreas Kessler
Format for calendar field è stato creato da Andreas Kessler
Possibility to add a format to a calender form field.
See: docs.joomla.org/Calendar_form_field_type

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8 Anni 1 Mese fa #1443 da Jesper Dinesen
Risposta da Jesper Dinesen al topic Format for calendar field
This would be a huge benefit, or at least, if we add the format ourselves, make it so it saves correctly ! Currently if we have a format on the field, it will save a 0000-00-00

Ringraziano per il messaggio: Hakan

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8 Anni 1 Mese fa #1446 da Andres Maeso
Risposta da Andres Maeso al topic Format for calendar field
Hello there

Improving JCalendar is already in our todo list. Here's another thread with similar requests in case you want to check it: www.component-creator.com/en/forum/commu...alendar?limitstart=0

Andrés Maeso
Customer relations manager at Joomla Component Creator.

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