how to create a joomla hit counter
Juanjo vazquez real
New Member
Posts: 9
9 Anni 2 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 1 Mese fa #1087
da Juanjo vazquez real
how to create a joomla hit counter è stato creato da Juanjo vazquez real
I finally managed to go well field hits, I will explain as e echo if anyone serves.
We must create a field hits, type TINYINT (11) in our table
Once we have our component in part site / models in our archive item.php add:
within the model class
then in site / item / view file view.html.php
we add this code within the function display
I hope this helps someone
I finally managed to go well field hits, I will explain as e echo if anyone serves.
We must create a field hits, type TINYINT (11) in our table
Once we have our component in part site / models in our archive item.php add:
within the model class
public function hit($id = null)
if (empty($id)) {
$id = $this->getState('');// item is the name of our item
$item = $this->getTable();
return $item->hit($id);
then in site / item / view file view.html.php
we add this code within the function display
$model = $this->getModel();
I hope this helps someone
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 1 Mese fa da Juanjo vazquez real.
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Andres Maeso
Platinum Member
Posts: 338
9 Anni 1 Mese fa #1088
da Andres Maeso
Andrés Maeso
Customer relations manager at Joomla Component Creator.
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Risposta da Andres Maeso al topic Hits
Thanks Juanjo. Do you mind if I rename it like "how to create a joomla hit counter"?
Andrés Maeso
Customer relations manager at Joomla Component Creator.
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