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Foreign key field additional SQL parameters

8 lata 9 miesiąc temu #1295 przez RATE IT SERVICES, SIA
Foreign key field additional SQL parameters was created by RATE IT SERVICES, SIA
Hi there!

Would be great if a foreign key field could have additional parameter for select query.

Now we select table, key field and value field ..

But how about extra query? For example, I want to select only those records where certain fields have specific value.

SELECT id, name from #__sometable where otherfield=1 ..

I see that this could be possible with SQL list, but then there's no EMPTY RECORD (like Please select value (0) ) ..

I tried to do so with UNION ..

(SELECT '0' as id, 'Please select' as name from #__sometable LIMIT 1) UNION (SELECT id, name from #__sometable where parentid=0)

But then I get mysql errors when any field has selected that parentid field .. HAVING id='1'


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8 lata 8 miesiąc temu #1296 przez Andres Maeso
Replied by Andres Maeso on topic Foreign key field additional SQL parameters

Thanks for your feedback. Sounds like a good idea, let's see if it gets more votes!



Andrés Maeso
Customer relations manager at Joomla Component Creator.

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8 lata 8 miesiąc temu #1297 przez RATE IT SERVICES, SIA
Replied by RATE IT SERVICES, SIA on topic Foreign key field additional SQL parameters

add new attribute to field : where="parent_id=0"


private $where_extra;

protected function getInput()
$this->where_extra = (string) $this->getAttribute('where');


if($this->where_extra != '')


works fine for me, it's just annoying to modify all this after rebuild .. :(

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8 lata 5 miesiąc temu #1399 przez Jeremy Morris
Replied by Jeremy Morris on topic Foreign key field additional SQL parameters
I have also added a "where" attribute to limit foreignkey results based on a condition.

// If the return is to be limited by condition
$this->where = ( trim ( $this->getAttribute('where') ) <> '' ) ? (string) trim( $this->getAttribute('where') ) : NULL;
// add where filtering, if set
if ( $this->where ) {
} // end if

I have also found that displaying a completely empty select box is pretty useless so I set empty foreignkey fields to hide.

if ( count( $options ) ) {
$html = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $options, $this->name, $input_options, 'value', 'text', $value, $this->id);
} else {
$html = '';
$this->hidden = true;

An additional attribute, such as "hideempty", could be helpful.

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