Vote for your favorite feature requests here!
Andres Maeso
Platinum Member
Posts: 338
9 år 8 månader sedan #805
av Andres Maeso
Andrés Maeso
Customer relations manager at Joomla Component Creator.
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Vote for your favorite feature requests here! skapades av Andres Maeso
We have spent some time studying all the features that have been requested in this forum. To move things along, we have created a poll where you can prioritize feature requests. The results will serve us as a development roadmap to keep improving Component Creator in the most efficient and popular way.
Let us know which is your favorite feature request
If you feel we are missing a good feature, and want to make a suggestion, add it in the final question and we will consider it.
We appreciate your feedback, which really helps us to improve Component Creator.
Let us know which is your favorite feature request
If you feel we are missing a good feature, and want to make a suggestion, add it in the final question and we will consider it.
We appreciate your feedback, which really helps us to improve Component Creator.
Andrés Maeso
Customer relations manager at Joomla Component Creator.
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